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Late/Absence Procedures


Pupils are expected to attend school regularly. If ill, parents must inform the school as early as possible on the morning of their absence. School should be informed of hospital or dental appointments in advance so that the register can be marked appropriately and appointment cards must be shown to a member of staff.


If a family holiday is planned during the school term, the school must be informed beforehand and permission received from the Headteacher. You will find Holiday Notification Forms in the School Office .


It must be emphasised that some work will be difficult to repeat on a child's return and therefore absences should be avoided if at all possible. A maximum of 10 days annually for holidays can be included as authorised absences if your child's attendance is above 95%. If your child's percentage is lower than expected, we will be unable to authorise any holiday that you request and will be recorded as unauthorised.


Punctuality is encouraged as it sets good standards for life and also because valuable teaching time can be lost if children are late for school.


Persistent late marks on our registers or poor attendance will trigger a visit from the Education Welfare Officer and can be subject to a Fixed Penalty Notice - FPN.


School Procedures:


  • Pupils under 95% will receive a 1st Attendance Letter notifying you that your child's attendance is lower than expected.
  • No improvement in attendance in a 15 days monitoring period will trigger a second, more formal letter requesting a meeting with the Headteacher to discuss a way forward.
  • A continuing issue will then be referred to the AWS which will then involve the local education authority attendance officer.